Referencia de funciones
PHP Manual

Exif Functions


With the exif extension you are able to work with image meta data. For example, you may use exif functions to read meta data of pictures taken from digital cameras by working with information stored in the headers of the JPEG and TIFF images.


Your PHP must be compiled in with --enable-exif. PHP does not require any additional library for the exif module. Windows users must also have the mbstring extension enabled.


To enable exif-support configure PHP with --enable-exif

Windows users must enable both the php_mbstring.dll and php_exif.dll DLL's in php.ini. The php_mbstring.dll DLL must be loaded before the php_exif.dll DLL so adjust your php.ini accordingly.

Configuración en tiempo de ejecución

El comportamiento de estas funciones está afectado por los valores definidos en php.ini.

Exif supports automatically conversion for Unicode and JIS character encodings of user comments when module mbstring is available. This is done by first decoding the comment using the specified characterset. The result is then encoded with another characterset which should match your HTTP output.

Exif configuration options
Name Default Changeable Changelog
exif.encode_unicode "ISO-8859-15" PHP_INI_ALL Available since PHP 4.3.0.
exif.decode_unicode_motorola "UCS-2BE" PHP_INI_ALL Available since PHP 4.3.0.
exif.decode_unicode_intel "UCS-2LE" PHP_INI_ALL Available since PHP 4.3.0.
exif.encode_jis "" PHP_INI_ALL Available since PHP 4.3.0.
exif.decode_jis_motorola "JIS" PHP_INI_ALL Available since PHP 4.3.0.
exif.decode_jis_intel "JIS" PHP_INI_ALL Available since PHP 4.3.0.
For further details and definitions of the PHP_INI_* constants, see the Directivas de php.ini.

A continuación se presenta una corta explicación de las directivas de configuración.

exif.encode_unicode string

exif.encode_unicode defines the characterset UNICODE user comments are handled. This defaults to ISO-8859-15 which should work for most non Asian countries. The setting can be empty or must be an encoding supported by mbstring. If it is empty the current internal encoding of mbstring is used.

exif.decode_unicode_motorola string

exif.decode_unicode_motorola defines the image internal characterset for Unicode encoded user comments if image is in motorola byte order (big-endian). This setting cannot be empty but you can specify a list of encodings supported by mbstring. The default is UCS-2BE.

exif.decode_unicode_intel string

exif.decode_unicode_intel defines the image internal characterset for Unicode encoded user comments if image is in intel byte order (little-endian). This setting cannot be empty but you can specify a list of encodings supported by mbstring. The default is UCS-2LE.

exif.encode_jis string

exif.encode_jis defines the characterset JIS user comments are handled. This defaults to an empty value which forces the functions to use the current internal encoding of mbstring.

exif.decode_jis_motorola string

exif.decode_jis_motorola defines the image internal characterset for JIS encoded user comments if image is in motorola byte order (big-endian). This setting cannot be empty but you can specify a list of encodings supported by mbstring. The default is JIS.

exif.decode_jis_intel string

exif.decode_jis_intel defines the image internal characterset for JIS encoded user comments if image is in intel byte order (little-endian). This setting cannot be empty but you can specify a list of encodings supported by mbstring. The default is JIS.

Tipos de recursos

Esta extensión no tiene ningún tipo de recurso definido.

Constantes predefinidas

Estas constantes están definidas por esta extensión y estarán disponibles solamente cuando la extensión ha sido o bien compilada dentro de PHP o grabada dinámicamente en tiempo de ejecución.


The exif_imagetype() lists several related built-in constants.

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PHP Manual